Welcome to the

Fayette County, PA, Genealogy Project

Project's Pages
Marriages Deaths
Obituaries Approx. 20,000 obituaries! Books/Records/Documents
Cemeteries Headstone Photos About 180,000 photos!
Miscellaneous Topics Research Aids

We cannot respond to research requests. Any information that we have is already on the website. This material is for personal research. Links to web sites that are not part of the USGenWeb Project are provided for your convenience and do not imply any endorsement of the web sites or their content by the USGenWeb Project.
A good place to start any research is the Pennsylvania Room at the Uniontown Public Library.

Jack McNees was the webmaster of this site for about 10 years, and within that time,
he created a mountain, out of the molehill that existed.
Under Jack’s leadership and hard work, over 15,000 obituaries and
140,000 headstone photos have been added.
(see Herald-Standard article, Aug, 2013)
Thank you, Jack, for all your hard work in making this site what it is today.

Volunteers are always needed. If you would like to help with this site, please click Contact below.

Contact Fayette County website personnel.

Fayette County was created out of Westmoreland County on Sept. 26, 1783

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